Package-level declarations


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class AbsPos(p: Int = 0) : Pos

An absolute Pos. Mutation of this pos will directly change it's position with no other offsets or other side effects.

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class ImmutablePos(p: Int = 0) : Pos

An immutable Pos. Typically used as a position "anchor" in other positions

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interface Pos

Defines the mutable position of something

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class RelPos @JvmOverloads constructor(parent: Pos, p: Int = 0) : Pos

A relative Pos. Offsets a parent Pos. Mutation of this pos will alter the offset.

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class SuppliedPos(parent: Pos, p: Int, offset: Supplier<Int>) : Pos

A relative Pos wth a secondary offset supplier. Offsets a parent Pos. Mutation of this pos will alter the offset.